Tag Archives: the beach boys

Whistle In… (The New Year!)

1 Jan

My review of the new Girl with the Dragon Tattoo would be the same as my reviews of ABBA cover bands and meatballs: the Swedish version was better (thanks IKEA for culturally enlightening me on the latter).

…I’ve got pomegranate fingers and sleepy brain, but I’m going to start this year off right, bloggin’ my little heart out like a good little engine should! Toot toot huzzah!

Brian’s Back… (Brian Wilson’s Appearance on My College Campus)

31 Aug

A Cautionary Tale…

Setting: The college dorms, in the common room of a suite

Characters: Anne, the protagonist; Kate and Jessie, two friends; and Mallory, one of the friend’s suitemates

Aaaaaaaaaaand SCENE!

Act 1, Scene 1

Anne: [sitting on couch, looking around, spotting a concert poster for The Beach Boys, Crosby Nash Stills and Young, and other similar bands] Nice poster! I love The Bea-

Mallory: [laughing and shaking her head] Oh my gosh, it’s so embarrassing! My mom gave it to me before I left so I could put it up and think of her when I see it. So weird! [rolls eyes]

Anne: [looks away, hides face] [to herself] -ch Boys. Yeah, umm, let’s pretend that never happened. I was definitely going to say the bead shop down the street, the bean bag chair in the corner, the beast under the bed… anything less socially embarrassing.

Anne: So… how ’bout them Rex Sox?

[end scene]

School Day… (Welcome to College!)

26 Aug

The one thing that can tear a blogger away from her beloved blog: bee stings to the face that impeded her vision… that, and going to college.

College! A time for buying textbooks worth as much as my car and changing one’s romantic status from “single” to “in a relationship with: the library”. A time for making new friends and making gosh darn sure there’s space in your new room for your turntable (there is).

When packing, the eternal question was and forever will be, “do I really need this?” My answers:
-turntable YES
-awesome speakers in addition to an iHome YES
-7″ records to hang on the wall YES
-Rocky soundtrack album cover also for the wall YES
-clothing, food, and basic supplies NEGOTIABLE

Any suprises? ;)

Currently listening to: This Time Tomorrow by The Kinks and even more appropriate, A Long Way From Home by The Kinks




How She Boogalooed It… (A Cautionary Tale About Listening to Groovy Songs In Public Places)

16 Aug

This is indeed a cautionary tale; it happened to me and it could certainly happen to you… none are safe from Hall and Oates’ “You Make My Dreams Come True”.

I love this song. It’s one of those tunes that I can have one repeat for an hour and still maintain the same excited anticipation for those opening notes. It always brings a smile to my face and a sway to body. The smile I can handle and wholeheartedly welcome, it’s the groovin’ that can sometimes get in the way. When I’m in the comfort and solitude of my home- sure, let’s take a nod from Tommy boy circa “Risky Business” and wiggle like a jellyfish. Blub, blub, shuffle, blub!

But the subway… not so much. Today I was totally in the zone: on my hour-long train ride I had a great playlist going, then on the subway it was all dreamin’ with Daryl and John. And when I say “in the zone”, well, it was like all the tourists, businessmen, creeps, foreigners, and the odd normal person weren’t even there. It started with a foot tap, then a head bob, then finger snapping, then present day “Grease” (well, maybe not that far, but I was definitely dancing). My eyes were closed- cutting off one sense strengthens the others and I wanted to devote all my being to listening. I don’t know what snapped me out of it, but as soon as I caught myself and realized the silly girl I was looking like I slowly came to a halt and drew the curtains on my oculi curtains. A few faces. A few amused faces. Oh well, I guess it was just my turn to be “that girl” on the subway today. ;)

Haha, literally just as I finished writing the song came on. Oh, Fates, I like your sense of humor.

Good Timin’… (Bright Eyes’ Live Recordings EP)

15 Aug

Right after the Bright Eyes concerts, all I wanted was more Bright Eyes. More more more! *cue heavy utensil banging on a table and a perfectly executed pouty lip* After most concerts this is a request that, no matter how many gummy bears I sacrifice to the music gods, remains just that: an unanswered request.

Enter Bright Eyes. I always knew we had a connection. Back to the scene: me, post-concert depression, Youtube-ing videos from concerts for comfort but it’s no use- they’re just like my outlook: terrible quality, lack of focus. My cure? Today I was searching through my webpage bookmarks and found one about a little Bright Eyes EP that was released on July 4th. I haven’t the slightest why it took me so long to listen to it, but it was literally just what I was jonesing for.

In particular, “Lover I Don’t Have To Love” didn’t have the same spark anymore. Live, Conor Oberst had so much energy, made it rawer than a still mooing steak, I loved the addition of the female vocals during the chorus at the end, after having a 2.0 version of the song in my head I just didn’t want to go back to dial-up. Well, Bright Eyes took that awesome blossom (extra awesome) version in my head and digitized it, stuck it with a few other choice songs that are being featured on the current tour (Firewall, Shell Games, Arc of Time (Time Code), Bowl of Oranges, The Ladder Song), and called them “Live Recordings”.

I’m always nervous when hearing live albums; sometimes they’re just annoying, sometimes I realize there’s a reason a particular artist favors auto-tuning on their studio albums, sometimes I just get jealous that I wasn’t there. With the new version of “Lover”… not the case at all. It’s just like I remembered! Excellent quality! The whole song is there, not just random snippets like the Youtube uploads! Yes!

I always knew there was a reason Bright Eyes held a special place in my heart, and this album was an affirmation that that space their renting is as good as sold. Best tenants ever.

Listen to the album version of “Lover I Don’t Have to Love”

…And then compare it to the fancy liiiiiiiiiiiiiive version of “Lover I Don’t Have To Love”

I Went to Sleep… (Movie Soundtracks and Duran Duran)

14 Aug

Rainy days, rainy daze, rainy haze. Whenever it rains, I play Duran Duran’s “Hold Back the Rain”. It’s my version of a hold-back-the-rain-dance.

I’ve gone to the movies a bit recently, and been thinking about scores a bit. Ending credit songs are my favorite- that’s always what makes the biggest impression on me. The best one I can recall off the top of my head was the one in “Inside Job”- that movie about those schmucks on Wall Street, the economy, the crash, that jazz. MGMT’s “Congratulations” came on right as the screen went black, and it was perfect. I didn’t expect an indie (can you still call them that? were they ever really?) band, let alone one so unexpected for the setting. It was sarcastic, of course, and a strangely calm way to end a heavy film, but it worked. Worked enough for me to remember it almost a year later and blog about it. Congrats.

Busy Doin’ Nothin’… (I Like Neighbors)

13 Aug

Neighbors: not a fan of the actual beings who live above and near me, but definitely on board with the Brooklyn band.

Today was a relatively quiet day (aside from a full day of work and a grand e-mail jamboree), and served as a little catch-up window. In addition to sorting coins and organizing my photos, I gave a listen to some new CDs I’d accumulated. One of my internships is at a music PR firm, and a couple weeks ago there was a massive clean out of old CDs that the office didn’t have room for anymore. Downside: I had to carry boxes and boxes of CDs down four floors. Upside: free music! My favorite find thus far is Neighbors, a band that I thought I’d heard mentioned somewhere sometime somehow, but couldn’t put my finger on any song or lyric or anything of theirs.

Well, I listened to their August EP, and I have to say it’s absolutely lovely. Very bubbly, lots of interesting instrumentals and sound effects, smooth as butter vocals, good summer fun. Synths are a dish best served with bells, clapping, and carrots, and Neighbors delivered on 2/3. Who needs calcium anyway? Overrated, I’d rather “Ophilia”. Tick tock, tick tick tick tock.

Track 1: August
Track 2: Ophelia
Track 3: Gone Too Long
Track 4: Bad Timing

…Ironically enough, the day I hear the lyrics “keep your porch light o-o-o-o-on” is they day that my porch light goes off. Can’t win ’em all.

Add Some Music To Your Day… (Fooling Around With Spotify)

12 Aug

I was so excited when I first got my invite to Spotify, but since then I haven’t used the program terribly much. Today, however, the stars aligned when I got out early from my internship and found myself at home with my neighbors thundering above me. Did I kick and scream at their inconsiderate behavior? Not a once. Make voodoo dolls in their name? Not that I’d admit to. The action I will concede is wiping the couple week old dust of Spotify and diving into their 80’s playlists (typical). Here are some of the best gems I found:

You Make My Dreams by Hall and Oates
Listen to the song!

She Blinded Me With Science by Thomas Dolby
Listen to the song!

Down Under by Men At Work
Listen to the song!

Walk Like An Egyptian by The Bangles
Listen to the song!

Too Shy by Kajagoogoo (…and really anything by Kajagoogoo)
Listen to the song!

Sidewalk Talk by Jellybean
Listen to the song!

Mirror, Mirror by Dollar
Listen to the song!

Robert DeNiro’s Waiting by Bananarama
Listen to the song!

PS I finished my B-52s concert review, lots of pretty pictures and pretty words! :)

Some content on this page was disabled on May 5, 2018 as a result of a DMCA takedown notice from PRS for music. You can learn more about the DMCA here:


Stoked… (Bon Iver at United Palace Theater Concert Review)

9 Aug

Life changed…

Ok, so that’s what I originally wrote on the ride home from seeing Bon Iver. I let it marinate for a few days, partially because I was away from a functioning internet connection, and partly because my feathers were a little bit ruffled. It’s daunting, trying to describe something that means so much to you in a way that others will be able to understand. I don’t think I’ll do it justice, but I’ll do my darndest to try…

The Rosebuds

While I hadn’t listened to much of their music before the concert, I had heard the buzz around these three, the comments about what great openers they’ve been thus far for Bon Iver. They have a folkier vibe about them, but complemented Bon Iver absolutely perfectly. When looking for an opener, I don’t think a band wants someone with their exact sound, though they probably look for common threads (because, as I’ve come to know, it’s actually very jarring when an opener is completely different from the main act- no matter how good they are at what they do, it’s jarring to be in the mood for one sound and have another thrown at you). Well, Bon Iver, mission accomplished. The Rosebuds had the comfort of Bon Iver, but with their own spin (which included female vocals, for starters).

On the left of the stage was the guitarist/vocalist, in the middle stood the gal on keyboard/vocals, and to the right was the bassist/fiddler. Lovely fiddle.

The Rosebuds Setlist

1. I got into my seat just as it was ending, so I missed this one.
2. Limitless Arms
3. Boxcar
4. Cemetery Lawns
(the band dedicated this song to Justin Vernon who helped record this song
and played guitar on the recording)
5. Leaves Do Fall
(folkier, behind his long hair I could see the bassist grinning during the girl’s solo about half way through the song)
6. Life Like
7. Second Bird of Paradise
8. Come Visit Me
(the trio was joined by guitarist Mike Lewis, the fiddle sounded almost like the Psycho theme at times though strangely comforting)
9. Woods

Bon Iver

Let’s start off with the fact that there was a 9 piece band. 9. piece. band. 9. p.i.e.c.e. b.a.n.d. Guitar, bass, drums, fiddle, sax, clarinet, trumpet, these guys had it all but the kitchen sink- and I’m pretty sure they would have included that as well if they’d found one in tune. Founder, songwriter, and lead vocalist Justin Vernon is just that kind of guy: out there, but in a way that makes one simultaneously sigh and smile.

To set the scene, let’s jump to “Towers”. On this song, the break-down of musical duties was: 1 bass, 1 fiddle, 2 drums, 2 bari sax, JV on guitar, and 2 trumpets. One more set of strings and another stage would have been needed to hold all the talent.

The song I was most excited to hear live was “Hinnom, TX”. On the album version of this track, Justin Vernon’s falsetto vocals and layered over his super low voice and I was so curious to see how it would be executed in a live setting- I mean JV is pretty talented, but I don’t think simultaneously singing two parts which differ by about two octaves is on his resume yet. The drummer on the right of the stage was one of the main backing vocalists, and he took the reigns on the high singing part while JV crooned down low. I swear, if velvet had a singing voice and had one song to sing, “Hinnom, TX” would make the shortlist.

I once read that Bon Iver used to have difficulty translating their songs to live settings that they gave out sheets of music to audience members so they could sing along and help out. With bigger venues and a tighter band those days are gone… almost. Before starting in on “Wolves (Act 1 and 2)”, JV addressed the audience by saying, “we need all of you to sing, a sort of encompassing thing, where if all of you don’t do it, it doesn’t work”. He asked us to hang tight until about halfway through the song, before which the band would “twiddle our thumbs, looking important, then you’ll scream ‘what might have been lost’”- starting low and raising the volume with each repeat. When Justin Vernon calls upon me for help I answer, and boy did we the audience answer. The energy. Oh, the energy. The lighting had been spectacular throughout, but during this song the lights were literally pulsing with the drum beatings, illuminating the black stage with bright white. I felt like the driving bass was literally beating my heart for me, it was so intense.

For the finale, Bon Iver took a calmer route with “Skinny Love” which featured JV sitting on a chair with his guitar, while the band (minus the drummers) gathered around two microphones to sing backing vocals and clap. I though that it was a nice spin on what seems to be popular in recent years, where just the lead vocalist will sing one of the closing songs. I liked the intimate feel that this set up lent itself to, but the fact that there still were some drums-a-drumming. It was a nice last image to close the night with.

I think I heard that this was the biggest venue Bon Iver’s headlined to date, and they held their own without a doubt. I’d seen JV on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and The Colbert Report in recent months so I knew his unique vocals still held up without electronics, but it was really something else experience them in person. So worth the traffic on the way home.

This was during “Blood Bank”- what prefect lighting

Bon Iver Setlist

1. Perth
2. Minnesota, WI
3. Holocene
4. Towers
“This is one for the dormitory peeps.”
(especially lovely bass on this one)
5. Beach Baby
“This song is about making out on a beach, or wishing you were making out on a beach with someone you used to or never did.”
6. Hinnom, TX
7. Wash.
(lively yet soft drums here, so nice)
8. Blood Bank
(there were blood red lights illuminating the stage,
they killed it (pun intended) with the energy and drums)
9. Who Is It (Bjork Cover)
(the guy with the ‘fro did some impressive beat boxing)
10. Michicant
JV: “How is everybody tonight?”
Heckler: “Good, how about you?”
JV: (laughs) “I don’t know, I’m trying to blink. Fuck. It’s so pretty; the building, all the people.”
11. Re: Stacks
(just JV on guitar and a clear and bright voice which was, literally, perfect)
12. Flume
(so much French horn love)
13. Calgary
14. For Emma

JV: (referring to leaving the stage and coming back for an encore) “That whole scene is getting pretty weird, you know, but it’s party time.”
15. Beth/Rest
(lovely sax)
16. Wolves (Act 1 and 2)
17. Skinny Love

(I officially get the “Set List Queen” award with this, I think. No one dares to challenge my sharp elbows or my puppy eyes!)

The Venue

I’d been to the United Palace Theater once before for Fleet Foxes earlier this summer, but I was just as in awe at the venue’s beautiful murals, stained glass, and architecture. For the most part I like intimate, standing venues so I get right in front of the music makers, but exceptions can be made. United Palace is the perfect place to sit back and relax, sink into the plush seats, and let elegant sounds wash over you. For an act like Bon Iver, I’m not in the pushing-and-shoving-to-get-to-the-front-where-I’ll-probably-have-someone-elbowing-me-the-entire-time-while-twenty-other-people-have-an-Olympic-class-shoving-match-around-me mindset; I welcomed the seats so I could could focus all my attention on the masterful instrumentation and not on jumping up and down so I can see over a giant’s head. My one non-raving comment about the venue, though: turn down the damn bass! It was crazy loud during Fleet Foxes and again with The Rosebuds especially, it seemed like someone like to dose out too much of a great thing. In this case, more isn’t less and less isn’t more- just enough should be just enough.

Listen to Blood Bank by Bon Iver

Listen to Re: Stacks by Bon Iver

Listen to Calgary by Bon Iver

Listen to Hinnom, TX by Bon Iver

Listen to Beth/Rest by Bon Iver

Listen to Woods by The Rosebuds

A Time to Live in Dreams… (The B-52s Concert Review)

8 Aug

Call off the search parties! Bring in the sniffing does! Cease your googling of “Is blogonlyknows dead?”! I was absent for three days (three times longer than my previous retreat) while renewing my beach bum license (I passed, thank goodness, and am set for another year), and your patience is not going to be in vein- your reward is the news that the as well as me, The B-52s are still alive and kicking.

A town near mine has a concert series called “Alive at Five” where they bring acts that people would have killed to see 15-35 years ago (so basically groups that are right up my alley). A couple weeks ago it was MC Hammer, and this week it was The B-52s’ turn to play to the mothers and fathers of more the conventionally aged concert goers…

The eighties never left The B-52s, and The B-52s definitely seem to be doing their best to stay in the eighties. The hair, the miniskirts, Fred Schneider’s voice- none of it’s changed a bit.

Alive at Five is an outdoor event, in the middle of a patch of grass (featuring a large tree smack dab in the middle) surrounded by pavement. When I saw MC Hammer I was to the right of the tree, close but not all up in his grill. The crowd for The B-52s was a much less intense one (and probably had a median age of about 40 years older), so I was able to wheedle my way up to about three people from the front. Groovy! I got there a little early, and noticed that while the band was setting up, no less than 6 guitars were leaned up against the side of the stage. 6! …Really?

After a short wait, the gang took the stage and we partied like it was 1979- tinted glasses and all. Aside from Fred (sporting short blond hair and a black tee), Cindy Wilson (who still had long, lush blonde hair which complemented her tinted circular glasses and flow, hippie-dippie outfit), Kate Pierson (still a flaming redhead who will more than likely go to the grave in a miniskirt), and Keith Strickland (the cool dude on the bass), there was a woman playing bass, a guy on drums, and a couple other miscellaneous people floating around the stage. It’s a B-52s concert, who really focuses on details such as people on stage? It’s a par-tay, and pretty much everything goes- including a bright pink wig for good ol’ Fred’s head. Oh Fred.

One of the women next to me was simultaneously a uber-fan and uber-drunk, one of the funniest combinations I’ve come across in a while. She knew every word to every song, and heckled for “Give Me Back My Man” to be played- which they eventually did (if only to keep her quiet). ;)

Final thoughts: I’m in love in the year 2011, and tonight it was the spirited B-52s who were the objects of my affection.

(partially incomplete and out of order, I was having too good a time to keep close track)
Private Idaho
Give Me Back My Man
Deadbeat Club
Love In The Year 3000
Love Shack
Rock Lobster
(This was the song that everyone was really waiting for, and it didn’t disappoint.)